iFORM User Guides Available
Latest editions of iFORM user guides available for download
Despite iFORM Designer (now called InForm Designer) and iFORM Filler (now called InForm Filler) having integrated Help systems, Fly Software realise that user guides are sometimes preferred when it comes to discovering the functionality of software applications.
Available in PDF format, the iFORM Designer and iFORM Filler user guides have interactive topic links, contents, index and bookmarks, making navigation about the pages fast and easy. They can also be printed if a hands-on document is preferred.
To keep the iFORM Designer and iFORM Filler installation file sizes to a minimum, their corresponding user guides are not included.
Visit the Downloads page to download the latest editions, or use the links below (right-click and "Save Target As..." to download, left-click to view in your browser).
Download/View the iFORM Designer User Guide (5,615 KB)
Download/View the iFORM Filler User Guide (3405 KB)
Adobe Reader/Acrobat, or a third-party PDF application is required to view and print the user guides.